Implement the "Move" action in automations

The end-user wants to bulk-move the contents under a new parent. (He cannot use Confluence automations due to the 150-page-per-branch limit.)


  • The new parent (page) should also be configured in the automation.
  • The moved pages can be converted to a flat list. (We need to examine this deeper during the feature design phase.)
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  • 1
    Erin Manuel

    This would be extremely helpful for my team since Confluence limits automation and bulk moving. We could archive with more granularity rather than dump everything in the Confluence archive, which is hidden in the space settings and hard to navigate.

    If possible, I suggest maintaining the hierarchy structure when bulk moving rather than converting to a flat list. I can see other users utilizing this feature beyond archiving, and keeping the moved pages in their original hierarchy form would be essential to efficiently maintaining a clean Confluence space.


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