Better Tempo context support (start date - end date, user, etc.) - DONE

When exporting from Tempo, current implementation does not respect any filters (timeframe, user, etc.) when gathering the worklogs to include in the report - it just includes all worklogs of all issues appearing in the current screen.
Make the exported PDF contain the very same data that is currently visible in the Tempo spreadsheet.

Read and actual use case of creating Tempo reports from Jira!

Have more questions? Submit a request


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    Rotten Dude

    This would be extraordinary

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    Levente Szabo

    Here is a rough description how to implement this with some programming.


    1) Explode the downloaded plugin JAR and update ui-integration.js around line 300:

    callMenuRestApi(context, issueKeys, function(data) {
        $(data["items"]).each(function(index, item) {
            var li = createMenuItem(context, issueKeys, null, item, listItemClasses, listItemLinkClasses);
                // <---- this is where you can append the missing parameters probably with some jQuery and using

     This can add further request parameters to the URL that will be invoked when clicking the export link.

    2) The request object is available as "$req" in the Velocity template, and as "req" in Groovy. Now you have full access to the parameters added in point 1.

    3) You can then modify tempo-tool.groovy to get the request parameters and pass them to the Tempo API. It should be simple. Docs for Tempo servlet manual that we use is available here:


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    Steffen Müller

    Although this feature request is for the PDF exporter, the same applies to the Better Excel Plugin.

    This is a real problem as we want to export monthly reports of the work done in a single month.

    This cannot be "fixed" in the groovy code as we simply have no information about the timeframe used in Tempo. Making this possible would not be hard: just include the URL request parameters of the Tempo report page the export is triggered on. Users could read the period from the corresponding URL parameters easily.

    So please, change the export link used in the tempo menu to contain the timeframe or at least the referrer URL / the referrers URL parameters. This would be so important to all people generating regular worklog reports.

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    Gregor Cmiel

    Same as Steffen, we would like to export weekly / montlhy reports of the work done in this period. Tempo itself has already a function to export pdf reports (you must select account in the timesheet view) with the selected period, but we want a nicer report with our own pdf timesheet template.

    If we have already billed the accounts of the last month, then we need to know which new logs we have in the following month. So this function is very important for our company.

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    Sebastian Scheuring

    That would be very helpful!

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    Rohit Shukla

    We are using JIRA software 7.1.2, Tempo Timesheets & JIRA PDF View Plugin 5.5.0. For capturing the time spent on any issue by users, we use Tempo timesheets. After users have entered their time logs in Timesheets, we want the logged-in users to generate PDF of User Timesheet view.  For example, if the user selects Monthly view from Timesheet calendar then he should be able to generate timesheet PDF for selected month by export option available in Timesheet. If he selects weekly view from timesheet Calendar then he should get timesheet PDF for the selected view.

    The problem we have is that we are not able to capture this selected time range dynamically in PDF view template. Please let us know how to get this start time & end time from Tempo Timesheets so that they can be passed to PDF View timesheet template.vm which can be used to generate the timesheet PDF for the corresponding user. We can write our Groovy script & PDF timesheet template.

  • 0

    +1000! This would be a great feature. Any clue/idea when or if it might be implemented?

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    Fabian van den Barselaar

    Please introduce this feature request today (or yesterday if possible !)


    We need to be able to export Tempo timesheets for the already selected time frame. Now it gives you all the worklogs placed on the visable timesheets including data from past and future.

    So If I select August, I only want august timeentries in my export please.

    Edited by Fabian van den Barselaar
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    Lisa Zimmermann

    We are still facing the same problem. Aren't there any news about this topic or has someone any idea about another possibility of how to pass the set timeframe from the tempo view to a groovy skript? 

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    Ferenc Nagy

    We are happy to announce that we have implemented the custom timeframe feature (i.e. only those worklogs are exported that are in the selected timeframe). If you are interested in a pre-release version, please open a support ticket and ask for it:

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    Fabian van den Barselaar

    And it's really working very well!!

    We implemented it and are very happy with it.


    Thank you Ferenc!

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    Levente Szabo

    This feature request is now officially released in PDF View Plugin 6.2.0, which is generally available on the Atlassian Marketplace.

    Please read more about the details in the release notes.

    Thank you for your continued interest in PDF View Plugin!

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