Better Content Archiving for Confluence Cloud - DONE!

Trivial: Better Content Archiving and Content Lifecycle Management functionality for Confluence On Demand instances.

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  • 9
    Scottie Paterson


    Hi Midori, please create this functionality for On-Demand Confluence, this feature (with our web hosted confluence WIKI) would revolutionise the way we do business.



  • 3
    Rob Dwyer
    This would give us the missing link in our development of a quality system. Please please make this available !!!
  • 3

    We'd definitely use this.  We're unlikely to change to an internal Atlassian toolset, so Cloud is our only purchasing option.

  • 6

    What would help make this more of a priority for your team?  We'd certainly use it.

  • 6
    Levente Szabo

    What would help make this more of a priority for your team?

    Thanks for your interest.

    The best you can do at this moment is voting this feature request. As you see it is already at the top part of the list, so the chances are good.

  • 6

    We are looking to migrate our existing wiki from on-premise to Confluence On Demand, and really want to take the Archiving Plugin with us.

    I'm voting this up the list for Midori to implement.


  • 5

    This feature would be really useful in my documentation use cases.

  • 4
    Victor Tso-Guillen

    Yes please! We were so excited to find you guys, but alas, we are in the cloud...

  • 4
    Valeriia Farafonova

    We need a tool to manage our internal documentation, would be great if you make a cloud version of the software.

  • 1
    Stéphane Veraart

    We need this. Voting is not clear by the way and ironic you are using Zendesk for a feature needed within the Atlassian cloud.

    Edited by Stéphane Veraart
  • 1
    Aron Gombas

    Stephane, we started to use Zendesk long before Atlassian Cloud existed. It works like a charm, therefore there is no practical reason to move away.

  • -1
    Stéphane Veraart

    Aron, I understand - it was just ironic without any judgement or qualification on the tool itself.

  • 6

    We're planning a migration from Confluence server to Cloud. Would really like to utilize the Archiving Plugin for automation of the content/page review cycle and archiving of old content. This automation, associated notifications, and reporting capability would greatly ease the task of keeping our Confluence content current and accurate. Thanks!

  • 4
    Sue Ganey

    The ability to use your Archiving Plugin in the Cloud version, would greatly improve the efficiency and quality the of our Confluence instance. Please!! Make this a priority. We are likely to move to Google Suites if not.  


  • 3
    jim dryden

    Just echoing the sentiments expressed here. Adding the archive functionality would be of great benefit to my org.

  • 2
    Will R

    We would love to have this feature available in our Confluence Cloud instance.

  • 2
    Martin van Diemen


  • 2
    Ian Smith

    We have been reviewing our needs before moving to the cloud version of Confluence. Since there is a 50GB storage limit for Confluence On Demand, we would definitely need a way to identify and archive older or unused data.  We would also require the ability to move that content to a secondary storage (AWS?) or purge it.  Hiding it would not resolve the issue with space limit. 

  • 2
    Randolph J. Smith

    Adding +1 for this - would love to see a cloud version.

  • 2
    Travis Atkinson

    I set up our instance for this plug in and then realized its not compatible with the cloud, so our organization is manually doing what the plug would do for us. Lets AUTOMATE! +111111

  • 3
    Michael Davis

    I would like to vote for On Demand support!!

  • 3
    Toni Ruiz

    + 1 !!!!

  • 3
    Elizabeth Hatfield

    +1 !!! Need badly!  We have several pages with people's names referenced that need to be updated as there is roll-over in the company.  As well as system, process, and other information that we need help to track.  This would be extremely useful if only if it were available.  

    Edited by Elizabeth Hatfield
  • 3
    Jamie Knight

    +1 Would like to see this - currently no one is providing a plugin like this for confluence cloud, which we really need in our organisation!

  • 3
    Krisztian Banhidy

    +1 we would also be interested in this plugin for the cloud. Thank you

  • 2
    Andrew Zimmerman

    Agreed. Our organization would love to see this app compatible with Confluence Cloud. We are evaluating it for Server currently, but we don't want to introduce an app that will become essential to our knowledge management with the risk that it may not be usable in Cloud - (if we ever migrate.)




    Edited by Andrew Zimmerman
  • 3
    Victoria Reggiardo

    Definitely, agree. We'd really like to purchase the add-on but we won't be able to unless it is available in Cloud. Any updates of potential Cloud release?

  • 1
    Marc Dantona

    We'd really like to roll this out at my company. +1

  • 1
    Karim Shehadeh

    I'll throw my hat in the ring.  +1 for Archive plugin in the cloud.  It would be extremely helpful.

  • 1

    Ditto to the above. We won't be able to purchase unless it is available in Cloud. Some timelines for implementation would be helpful for planning.

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