Multiple supervisors - DONE

Currently only one email address can be entered as supervisor, but some users want to use multiple. 

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    Todd W

    We would like this as well

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    Klaus Martinez

    This would be very useful for a 10K license. It can be most useful when other options such as creator or last editor is harder to reach when roles have changed such as promotions etc. It would be nice to also have the ability to write custom notification at the space level verses at a global level configurations.


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    Aron Gombas

    It can be most useful when other options such as creator or last editor is harder to reach when roles have changed such as promotions etc.

    As a workaround, you could do the following to overcome this limitation:

    • Set up a mailbox that forwards to multiple email addresses (like ""), and select your concrete supervisors' email addresses to forward to
    • Then create a user named "foobar-supervisors-group" in Confluence
    • Select this user as the supervisor

    This is a fairly simple workaround. Any mail system should be able to support this (e.g. how to do this with Gmail (aka. Gsuite))

    It would be nice to also have the ability to write custom notification at the space level verses at a global level configurations.

    You can actually do this!

    In the notification email you have access to the page objects, and those give you access to the space object, so you can do something different for each space like:

    #if($page.spaceObject.key == "Foo")
    ## we are in the "Foo" space, so do this and that
    #elseif($page.spaceObject.key == "Bar")
    ## we are in the "Bar" space, so do this and that
    ## we are in some other space

    So, this is the same template, that can act differently in different spaces.

    (But, please remember that there is a single email sent that covers all the spaces the addressee should be notified about, so your request of "a different template for each space" is not totally accurate.)

    I hope this helps!

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    Klaus Martinez

    Hello Aron,

    Thank you with for your expertise. I created the user group as you suggested, but when entering "Select this user as the supervisor", it does not recognize that group name. Meaning that it does not resolve the name. It will work when entering my own user name. Is there a setting that I am missing?

    The second part concerning the custom email notification, I have not tried at this moment.

    Thank you


  • 1
    Aron Gombas

    it does not recognize that group name. Meaning that it does not resolve the name.

    As I wrote: "Then create a user named "foobar-supervisors-group" in Confluence". 

    Again, create a user, not a group in Confluence! This is the multi-forwarding email address that will do the dispatching, but on the Confluence side you will need a user account created with that email address.

    Makes sense?

  • 1
    Klaus Martinez

    It makes sense. Thanks for that clarification. I will try the second part later.


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    Klaus Martinez

    Hi Aron,

    I am now looking into the customer email notifications. I am unclear to how you got the "page objects" or the "space objects" reference. I'm in the documentation theme to which it will not give you same view as the default theme when creating a new space. Can you provide greater detail to how to access this?

    Best regards


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    Aron Gombas

    Klaus, it has nothing to do with themes.

    What I outlined above as "in the notification email you have access to the page objects, and those give you access to the space object, so you can do something different for each space..." is related to customized notification emails. Those work identically in any theme!

    See this page in the docs.

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    Klaus Martinez

    Hi Aron,

    My apologies for the vagueness in my response. It appears from your referenced link, that I do not have an option to select 'Notification Emails' in confluence version 5.5. The archive plug-in manager is showing 'incompatible' version and I have requested for a compatible version to be installed. A parallel initiative of upgrading confluence is in the planning stages.

    Best regards


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    Aron Gombas

    Klaus, the mail customization feature was introduced in Archiving Plugin 4.5.0, which is compatible with Confluence Server 5.7 - 5.9.14. So: please upgrade!

  • 2
    Cynthia Engel

    We also would like this feature as well!

    Many organisations can't implement the workaround with the additional e-mail addresses. For financial reasons or unnecessary effort.

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    Lavesh Budhrani

    Would be a very helpful feature.

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    Laura Sheppard

    Just fyi to other users, I'm not sure you need this feature. If you use the workaround as Aron noted above to create a Confluence user that is then linked to a group, it works just fine. That's what we did, linked it to an Active Directory group. So then we can manage the people contained in that group and change them around very easily. 

  • 1
    Levente Szabo

    We are happy to announce that setting multiple supervisors for archiving configurations is now possible since Archiving Plugin for Confluence 7.4.0!

    Update your add-on from the Atlassian Marketplace and read more about what's new in the latest release in the release notes.

    Thanks everyone for your continued interest and patience!

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