Improved integration with Bitbucket Server (formerly known as Stash) - DONE!

Commit Policy Plugin already integrates with Stash, but it could be made more convenient.

We have a concrete plan for an improved approach to reduce the integration work to a couple of clicks, taking advantage of Stash hook plugins and the so-called app links between Stash and JIRA.

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    Jerome Baron

    The command line procedure works well, but it would be nice to have a clean web based procedure.

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    Levente Szabo

    Thanks for the vote, Jerome, totally agreed.

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    Levente Szabo

    Quick update: we are already working on this!

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    Aron Gombas

    Hello everyone, 

    We are happy to share the news that we released a new add-on Commit Policy Plugin for Bitbucket, which reduces the integration work to a couple of clicks.

    If you are Bitbucket Server user, make sure you try it. This is safe, standard-compliant and supports OAuth impersonation!

    Merry Christmas!

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