Add key-value pairs to Bitbucket hook configuration UI and pass them as commit policy variables to the Jira component


Git Repo 01: git push -> Bitbucket server commit policy ABC hook (config var: Project=XYZ) -> JIRA common commit policy ABC (substitute var with project key XYZ)

Git Repo 02: git push -> Bitbucket server commit policy ABC hook (config var: Project=LMO) -> JIRA common commit policy ABC (substitute var with project key LMO)

See ticket #4892

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  • 0
    Mark O'Brien

    The Bitbucket config options at the project/repository levels need to be available to the commit policy local clone git hooks as well. 

    For example: If Bitbucket project key BPROJ01 or its repository bproj01-src.git  is configured in Bitbucket to pass var/value JIRAKEY=JPROJ01 to JIRA addon when running the assigned commit policy for pushes to the server, the same var/value pairs need to be sent from the local git clone commit policy hooks when they contact JIRA directly to run the checks before a commit is permitted.

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