As a Confluence/space admin I'd like to set Confluence groups to notify in the archiving configuration or in the quick actions (e.g. Set owner).
Allow configuring Confluence groups to notify
Angelo Verona +1 Hard-coded users for process is inconvenience, manageable for small corps, but truly hard for bigger ones.
Onni Nieminen With over 10k pages and 1000 users this is would be really important feature. We are not able to use Set Owner -feature as-is. It's too time-consuming.
Aron Gombas UPDATE: We have released the Better Content Archiving app's cloud version just a few weeks ago. It addresses many points criticized in the Data Center version, including also this one.
(Our plan is that, if there is interest, we will back-port the most valuable changes from the Cloud version to the Data Center one.)
It allows choosing a group or even multiple groups for notification recipients:
When a group is chosen, all its current members will be emailed. If someone is in multiple groups, he/she still receives only one email.
Constantin Lotz +1 here for Datacenter :-)
Dick Starmans +1 here. We've over 16000 pages with about 900 users that are divvied up into groups of about 10 people. Using the active directory to set permissions, could such an entry be used to adress a functional mailbox per group?
Constantin Lotz I'm not sure if this is the right place, but it would be good to specify a group as owner aswell ;-)
Dick Starmans I agree. Individual people are too volatile in organisations
Beate Odrig +1 Ich stimme zu. DataCenter (y) asap
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